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Global Artificial Intelligence™, or How to Build AI World and Why AI Power Will Lead to World Domination: GAI™ , Smart Territories and Intelligent Communities, Innovation Nations and Sustainable Cities, AI Industry and Smart Economy 


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<Global Artificial Intelligence™, or How to Build AI World and Why AI Power Will Lead to World Domination: 

GAI™, Smart Territories and Intelligent Communities, Innovation Nations and Sustainable Cities, AI Industry and Smart Economy>

One of the most synergistic, ground-breaking and revolutionary concepts is the idea of Intelligent World, having the major features and parameters as: 

All connected; 

All digital; 

All intelligent (Everything will become intelligent, and our world as a whole will be intelligent, including its territories, geopolitical communities and cities). 

The driver and engine of Intelligent World, Artificial Intelligence (AI), is redesigned as an intelligent complex socio-technological system having the Future Human-Machine Intelligence Architecture: 

(General Encyclopedic Universal) Global AI™: Natural Intelligence + AI + ANN + ML + Automation + Robots + IoT + Cyber-Physical Systems + Smart Territories &amp; Intelligent Communities = (AI Powered World, I-World). 

And according to Huawei’s CEO Eric Xu, “The journey to an intelligent world has already begun”. 


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“It is critical that we start building and testing GAIs that both solve humanity's existential problems and which ensure equality of control and access. Otherwise we may be doomed to a future full of environmental disasters, wars, and needless suffering”. The Global Artificial Intelligence Is Here, Edge, 2017, 12 November.

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